God gifts every believer with unique gifts.
We believe every Christian has a spiritual gift. That gift, given by the Holy Spirit is to be used to help build up the church. At Bethel, we have several opportunities for you to use your gifts to be a blessing to our church and community.

Volunteer opportunities
Bethel Kids
Kidz Worship
Wednesday Nights
Kidz Life Group Teacher
Greeter | Checkin
Kidz Worship
Wednesday Nights
Kidz Life Group Teacher
Greeter | Checkin
Bethel Students
Bethel Worship
Life Group Leader
Wednesday Night Sponsor
Bus Driver
Tech Crew
Wednesday Night Sponsor
Bus Driver
Tech Crew
Worship Choir
Praise Team
Praise Team
First Impressions
Parking Lot
Lobby Greeter
Lobby Greeter
Bethel Media
Audio Visual Team
TV Ministry
TV Ministry
Parking Lot
Bethel Kids
Bethel Students
Adult Worship
Bethel Kids
Bethel Students
Adult Worship
6 Month Committement
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
Most of our volunteers serve 1-2 times a month. We ask all our volunteers to commit to a 6 month term. But we understand that life happens and things change. If after 6 months you don't feel like your area of service is the right fit, just let your leader know. You can take a break or maybe try out another area of service.
Volunteer FAQs
How do I sign up to volunteer?
Simply fill out the form below to get started. Be sure to select the area(s) you are interested in serving. One of our leaders will get back to you with more information and set up a meeting to discuss details.
How do I volunteer with kids?
All Kids and Student Volunteers are required to submit to a background check before serving in these areas. This ensures that your kids stay safe while they are on campus each week.
Our Kids and Student Pastors will meet with you to discuss the available opportunities, your giftings and the training required for each position.
Our Kids and Student Pastors will meet with you to discuss the available opportunities, your giftings and the training required for each position.
How do I join the Choir or Worship Team?
Bethel's Worship Team and Choir is a vital part of our worship services each week and we always welcome new members! After you fill out the form below, Chad, our Worship Pastor will get in touch with you to set up an audition.
Our team will evaluate your gifting and place you in an area where you can feel confident and best use your gifts.
Our team will evaluate your gifting and place you in an area where you can feel confident and best use your gifts.
How often do I have to serve?
We want every area of service for every volunteer to be sustainable. That means we don't expect you to serve every week of the year. Most of our volunteer opportunities are 1-2 times a month. But only you know what will work with your schedule. Be sure to let you leader know your preferences and they will work with you.