
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Bethel believes that Jesus commanded the church to go throughout the whole world and tell everyone about the love of Christ. To accomplish this mission, many have sacrificed their lives to engage their families in telling those in other nations about Christ. Bethel Church supports several international missionary families directly, as well as through the coordinated efforts by the National Association of Free Will Baptists.

Missions We support

The Hanna Project

North American Ministries

1040i Ministries

North Carolina Missions

IMINC (FWB Missions)

State Funded Projects
and other Local, Regional
and International projects.

Join Our mission

Sign up to find out how you can get involved in upcoming Missions Projects

We have several Missions Projects each year where you can partner with us. Our local, national and global efforts are designed to bring light to dark places and share the hope of Jesus to world that desperately needs Him.